webpack dev server 和 sublime text 配合时需要注意的地方



Adjusting Your Text Editor

Some text editors have a "safe write" feature and enable this by default. As a result, saving a file will not always result in a recompile.

Each editor has a different way of disabling this. For the most common ones:

Sublime Text 3 - Add "atomic_save": false to your user preferences.

IntelliJ - use search in the preferences to find "safe write" and disable it.

Vim - add :set backupcopy=yes in your settings.

WebStorm - uncheck Use "safe write" in Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings

webpack dev server 和 sublime text 配合时需要注意的地方的相关教程结束。

《webpack dev server 和 sublime text 配合时需要注意的地方.doc》
